Posts Tagged ‘Fugue State’
November 16, 2014 9:54 am
Posted by: Jordan

1 Ride it straight into the moon

I can’t believe how many amazing photoshops we were given! You guys pulled out all the stops and showed some real creativity! Only one winner could be chosen however and that was user Cultist Rat!!!! Check out the rest of the submissions below!


November 16, 2014 8:01 am
Posted by: Jordan

Johnny has decided to spring a fun little art challenge on you all! I’m attaching a few sample images for you to use (feel free to browse for any other options!). We’re looking for Johnny to be Photoshopped into situations he does not recall! We are going to run this until 9 AM, please send submissions to [email protected] with the subject line Fugue State! The winner shall receive not one but TWO desiccant packs of varieties, a small set of DB related pins, and a knit Tardis pin!Johnny 1 Johnny 2 Johnny 3