Posts Tagged ‘dengler’
November 21, 2013 3:59 pm
Posted by: Mike

Amanda took first honours (?) in our Embarrassing Stories contest, with her cringe-worthy tale of accidental insensitivity.

In her own words:

TV can be educational! It’s the early 80s; the Roots series about America’s history had just been rebroadcast on PBS. But no one thought to educate 3-year-old me about what I saw. That is, until we were at the Detroit airport, and tiny me, in my incredibly loud voice, announced “LOOK MOM! SLAVES!” at seeing my first non-white people. Apparently my parents are good at disappearing in a hurry. Oops.


Sorry, Amanda, but for your troubles you at least get a sweet prize pack including The Selling of Scarry Manor DVD (Signed), a pair of hand-made Minion Slippers, and a Dengler sticker-book!







Speaking of Dengler, who powered through the speechjammer to read out the best stories with nary a stutter, he will be hanging out in the Moonbase today for all your challenges and questions. Thanks Dengler!
