November 8, 2019, 10:48 am
Posted by: Az

We’ve got another giveaway for our first shift of the year! And if you like Magic, you’ll want to try for this!

This is an exclusive pack was originally sold at HasCon 2017 and features three premium foil silver-bordered Magic: The Gathering cards based on other Hasbro brands: Dungeons & Dragons, Transformers, and Nerf. The set also includes a foil gold Dragon token.

So donate $7.85 or multiples thereof until 11:45am PST to try your hand at these babies!

November 8, 2019, 9:00 am
Posted by: Az


We here at Desert Bus would like to take a moment to recognize one of our very generous  drink sponsors, Fernwood Coffee. Caffeine is often the lifeblood of Desert Bus, and Fernwood has never let us down.

Fernwood Coffee has been a long time supporter of Desert Bus. For many years they have generously donated coffee and brewing equipment, ensuring that our crew can stay warm and caffeinated throughout the run.

Thank you, Fernwood Coffee, for your continued and very much appreciated support!

Adventure Time Coffee GIF by hoppip

November 8, 2019, 8:53 am
Posted by: Az


Our first giveaway for the run of 2019 is our very first poster by M. Lee Lunsford from DB3! It’s literally one-of-a-kind, so this is your only chance at it!

Donate $5.03, or multiples thereof, by 9:44am PST to try and win this special piece!
November 8, 2019, 8:16 am
Posted by: Az


Hello and welcome to Desert Bus for Hope 2019! 

I hope you’re ready for that mean little bus to bother us all through the week. Not only have we launched, but we managed to hit a Desert Buck before we started! And you know what that means….

WE GET ICE CREAM! Provided by James. Courtesy of all of you lovelies💖




So buckle up, get ready, and join us as we continue on our journey to help the children!

November 3, 2019, 4:01 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Quick update that our prize galleries are POPULATED! Go check out the amazing live and silent auctions, or the heaps of giveaways we’ve got!


November 2, 2019, 6:17 pm
Posted by: Jordan
We’re just chilling over here at Desert Bus, not too much going on…


Not only are donations open, but we’ve got a challenge from James. If we are able to raise a Desert Buck ($22,805) before the run starts, he’s buying us all Ice Cream!

Us at the venue, not all of you, that’d be difficult.

The run starts in less than a week, so get busy spreading the word of Desert Bus!

Photo by Andrew Ferguson

Photo by Andrew Ferguson

October 16, 2019, 9:31 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Hey everyone! Usually by now you start to see the Driver Schedule show up on the site for this years Desert Bus for Hope. However, this year we’re running things a little bit differently.

Rather than have the individual driver shifts clashing with the four shifts, we’ve decided to combine them! Now, each of the individual shifts will have a team dedicated to Driving, Co-Piloting and steering the shift (along with all the usual ridiculousness and other folks around).

Check out your Desert Bus for Hope Entertainment Squad (The EntTeam, not actually, nor are they living trees)

Dawn Guard
• Paul Saunders
• James Turner
• Serge Yager
• Liz Smith (Partial Run)

Alpha Flight
• Kathleen De Vere
• Andrew Ferguson
• Jacob Burgess
• Carrie Floyd

Night Watch
• Graham Stark
• Matt Wiggins
• Ian Horner

Zeta Shift
• Cameron Lauder
• Brendan Dery
• Coriander Dickinson  (Partial Run)

August 21, 2019, 12:00 pm
Posted by: Jordan


Mark your calendars, Desert Bus 2019 has a date!

DB2019 logo_FB Header

In the meantime, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram to stay updated! We’ll see you on November 8th, bright and early at 8am PST!
April 29, 2019, 9:00 am
Posted by: Jordan

The Desert Bus for Hope 2019 Craft-Along Submission Form is Live!

Do you paint? Sew? Use found objects to create adorable sculptures of creatures and characters from your favourite games? Any number of other things that one can consider crafty? Good, because it’s that time of year again!

Beginning today, April 29th, submissions for the Desert Bus 2019 Craft-Along will officially be open.  You will have until May 27th to get your submissions in, so that we can get back to you with enough time to complete your crafts.  We endeavour to provide everyone with a response to your submission by June 3rd. The deadline for receipt of finished crafts will be September 30th. This means they must be IN OUR HANDS in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on September 30th.

If you are new to the Craft-Along, and have a great idea for a craft for DB, the process is simple: just click here to get to the Craft-Along submissions page and fill in the form!  We will need contact information, a description of the craft, and a few other pieces of info.  This year we will only be taking one submission per crafter.

The Desert Bus For Hope Craft-Along community is full of incredibly kind and gifted people who give so much of themselves, and for that we are eternally grateful.  Its people like you who make Desert Bus what it is, a positive gathering of people from across the world to help kids be kids.

The whole Desert Bus team thanks you! Now get crafting!


April 25, 2019, 6:15 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Hey Crafters, it’s almost that time of year again. Make sure to watch out for a blog post and a change in the Craft-Along submission page next week.