November 13, 2019, 3:00 pm
Posted by: Tim

PAWe here at Desert Bus for Hope would like to thank one of our returning prize sponsors for this year’s event: Penny Arcade.

Penny Arcade began life as a webcomic under the helms of Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik in 1998. Since then, they have grown into a powerhouse of digital entertainment with their own selections of video content, podcasts, webcomics, and the Penny Arcade Expo family of conventions. Most dear to us here at Desert Bus is their founding of Child’s Play Charity, without which Desert Bus wouldn’t be what it is today.

Thank you Penny Arcade for your support of this year’s Desert Bus for Hope!

November 13, 2019, 2:53 pm
Posted by: Tim

IMG_0226Fantastic news! The Master Sword replica that we had originally scheduled for earlier this week has arrived at the Lunar Module! As announced on-air, we’ve scheduled this live auction for 5:00pm PST tomorrow. Tune in then!

November 13, 2019, 2:34 pm
Posted by: Tim


You may know Jacob as a very kind and funny person, but did you know he is also an accomplished voiceover actor and role-playing game writer? Jacob has graciously agreed to donate his time and abilities to the winner of this lot. If you have a project that requires a voiceover Jacob will provide a 2-hour voiceover session for you! But what if YOU want to be the one doing voiceovers? Then Jacob will provide you with 2 hours of private coaching and information. “But Erika,” I hear you say, “what if I don’t need either of those things?” Well then, Hypothetical Person, you are in luck. The third option is that Jacob will run a custom one-shot RPG session of Dungeons & Dragons or Vampire: The Masquerade for you and your friends! You didn’t think I mentioned he was an RPG writer for nothing, did you?

Donate $15.55 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 4:00pm PST.

November 13, 2019, 2:01 pm
Posted by: Tim


We here at Desert Bus for Hope would like to take a moment to thank one of our prize sponsors for this year’s event: Samurai Punk.

Samurai Punk is a Melbourne-based independent game developer that creates games with love and care. Established in 2013, you might know them for games such as Hazumino, Screencheat and, their latest game, Feather.

We thank Samurai Punk for their support of Desert Bus for Hope!

November 13, 2019, 1:34 pm
Posted by: Tim

fa99f8e220893ae7a6ae0e0fcd729bb0Coming up at 3:00pm PST today, Mikey Neumann will be calling in to the Lunar Module to say hello!

Mikey Neumann is a writer, voice actor, and content producer known for his work on the Brothers in Arms and Borderlands series. Currently, you can find him on the FilmJoy Youtube channel, a series of videos meant to celebrate films rather than trash them. He hosts the popular web series Movies with Mikey, where he provides insightful yet comedic commentary on popular films.

Got a question for Mikey? Tweet @DesertBus with the hashtag #DBMikey with your question and we may ask it on-air!

November 13, 2019, 1:00 pm
Posted by: Tim

Card KingdomWe here at Desert Bus for Hope would like to thank one of our returning prize sponsors for this year’s event: Card Kingdom.

Card Kingdom is a family-owned business in Seattle, Washington. They began their adventures in the collectibles game as kids, learning the business by selling baseball cards at local swap meets. In 1999, they opened Card Kingdom in John’s basement, and before long they quit their day jobs to focus full-time on making Card Kingdom the best place on earth to buy Magic cards. Since then Card Kingdom has grown into one of the world’s biggest retailers of Magic: the Gathering, with two brick and mortar locations in the Seattle area.

Thank you Card Kingdom for your continued support of Desert Bus for Hope!

November 13, 2019, 12:37 pm
Posted by: Tim

d20A quick reminder about a couple of happenings planned for today’s Alpha Flight that you can submit your tweets to! Tweet @DesertBus with the matching hashtag for…

#DBVox: We’re recording voice lines on-air to help out with this year’s Desert Bus Game Jam. Please keep your submissions short!

#DBAskGM: We’ll be talking, and answering your questions, about running tabletop RPGs. Submit your questions with this hashtag and our team of Alpha Flight GMs may answer your question on-air.

November 13, 2019, 12:30 pm
Posted by: Tim


We’ve been doing this whole driving on the road thing for a while now, so we think it’s time to branch out to new exciting business opportunities. So, we’re branching out into another road-based business… food trucks! But… uhh… we don’t have any good culinary ideas. We’re five days into this and just pun-gry. So, we need your help!

We’re challenging the community to come up with their best interpretation of a Desert Bus-themed Food Truck. We’re looking for a menu featuring up to five delicious (?) items that we can sell. You may, optionally, also include an illustration of the Desert Bus food truck.

Send your submissions as a TXT file attachment to [email protected] with the subject line “Desert Bus Food Truck“. If you also submit an illustration, please attach as an JPG or PNG image. Please name both files, and include in your email, the name you’d like to go by should we showcase your submission on-air.

We’ll accept submissions until 5:00pm PST today. The winner gets a Desert Bus for Hope 2019 T-Shirt and DBloon!

November 13, 2019, 12:19 pm
Posted by: Tim

092_001_HumbleBundleOur friends at Humble Bundle have generously provided a 12 Month subscription to their monthly Humble Choice program. Humble Choice provides new games each month, and subscribers will receive up to 10 different each month of their membership (region restrictions may apply). In addition to this, Humble Bundle have also provided keys for games from their Publishing team: Void Bastards, Forager, and Crying Sun. And if somehow that wasn’t enough, they’ve also thrown in a physical item: Total Warhammer II Serpent God Edition. This collector’s edition includes the game contained in Serpent God ‘Lizard Skin’ Tome Packaging, an integrated art book, a stone effect ‘Puzzle Sphere,’ Carved Bone Effect ‘Teeth’ Totems, and a ‘Saurus Blade’ USB with Black Library E-Books.

Donate $9.90 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 1:00pm PST.


November 13, 2019, 12:00 pm
Posted by: Az
We want to say a hearty thank you to one of our sponsors, Take This. They are an amazing advocate and have been giving giveaways to Desert Bus for years.


One-in-two people will be diagnosed with a mental health condition in their lifetime. Especially in the video game community, the idea that “no one will miss me if I’m gone’ is a pervasive one. Take This was founded to let people know how wrong that is, that there’s help for people with mental health challenges who are also passionate about making games.
