November 12, 2020, 6:02 pm
Posted by: Tim

A gallery of entertainers on Zeta. The Zeta banner's title reads "Most likely to end up in pieces."

Welcome to our final installment of the Desert Bus for Hope 2020 Yearbook! Over the past few days, we’ve introduced the entertainers that’ll be keeping the bus rolling down the road during this year’s event. We asked each entertainer to write a quick intro about themselves. And, because it’s a yearbook, we asked our volunteers to write “Most likely to” titles for each person.

Last, but not least, we introduce the Entertainers on the Zeta shift (Midnight-6am PST)…


A photo of Brendan "Beej" Dery.Brendan “Beej” Dery (He/Him)
Most likely to sell you Desert Bus merch
@[email protected]

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I’ve been going to bed at 05:00 for the last several months, but not because of Zeta Shift.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

DBfH 5

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Everyone buying merch. Everyone receiving merch.


A photo of Cameron Lauder.Cameron Lauder (He/Him)
Most likely to commit a museum heist |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Cameron is a something protons have made after several billion years of iteration. They will not be making another. Cameron likes: generating waste heat and occluding a volume, some poems. Cameron dislikes: Dancing.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Long ago, in the days of yore. (DB5?)

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Innovating on proven synergies.


A photo of Coriander Dickinson.Coriander Dickinson (She/Her)
Most likely to pilot a giant mecha

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Cori is a video game and tokusatsu enthusiast who often creates content for the internet.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

Seeing the faces I have not seen since last year.


A photo of Heather Dery.Heather Dery (She/They)
Most likely to secretly be a Magical Girl |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I wear a lot of purple, and my best features are my small scale-leaves, borne in opposite and decussate pairs no wait those are arms. I am confusing myself with a plant? I could be a plant.  Wave around in the sun all day and be purple. That seems nice.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

Hanging out with friends in a virtual space.


A photo of Molly Lewis.Molly Lewis (She/Her)
Most likely to actually win a Grammy | |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I am the very model of scatterbrained millennial
I’m proud to be returning to the Desert Bus perennial
On Zeta shift I’m very keen to add to the commotion
But if they make me improv I will walk into the ocean

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Comms didn’t specify 1st or 3rd person tense on these bios, so you split the difference and write in 2nd person. You, Molly Lewis, called into DB6, went to the moon for DB7. The first time you drove the bus was during a live auction, you got distracted & crashed.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

You’re looking forward to finally staying up through a Zeta shift, and in the process finally testing your lifelong theory that you’re a raccoon in a human suit & would thrive on a fully nocturnal schedule. Typically, the impending US Thanksgiving would hang over your Desert Bus like the Sword of Damocles, bidding you to keep a tether to that tyrannical day star they call The Sun. This year you are cloaked in shadow, and the vengeful sky orb cannot eat what it cannot see.

November 12, 2020, 3:00 pm
Posted by: Tim

1147 Miles: Seattle to Las Vegas. The Garages Live at Desert Bus for Hope. Sunday, November 15th at 2pm PST.

Do you enjoy music? Do you enjoy Blaseball? Then Andrew has you covered! As is tradition, Andrew is bringing a band to Desert Bus! The Seattle Garages, “an anarcho-syndicalist blaseball band from the fictional location of Seattle” will be performing a set on Sunday November 15th at 2pm PST. Following that there will be a Q&A with the band and a member of The Game Band team, creators of the hit eldritch splorts simulator Blaseball! Let’s hope no one gets shelled!

Album art. Live at Desert Bus for Hope.

Baseball cards of the Seattle Garages players.

Artwork by M. Lee Lunsford.

Album art. On to Season Four.

Artwork by M. Lee Lunsford.

You can check out the Seattle Garages at or on their Twitter

The Game Band can be found at or on Twitter

The logo for The Game Band.

November 11, 2020, 6:03 pm
Posted by: Tim

A gallery of entertainers on Night Watch. The title for the Night Watch banner reads "Most likely to become a viral meme."

Welcome to our next installment of the Desert Bus for Hope 2020 Yearbook! Over the next few days, we’ll be introducing the entertainers that’ll be keeping the bus rolling down the road during this year’s event. We asked each entertainer to write a quick intro about themselves. And, because it’s a yearbook, we asked our volunteers to write “Most likely to” titles for each person.

Today, we introduce the Entertainers on the Night Watch shift (6pm-Midnight PST)…


A photo of Graham Stark.Graham Stark (He/Him)
Mostly likely to have actually worked on his High-School yearbook |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I wear a lot of hats, on account of my numerous serpentine heads. I work hard making joyful internet content and if you strike down one head, two more will grow in its place. I’m an ancient hydra from the Aegean Sea and I just want to make you smile.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Back in the beyond days… the precursor times… in my house.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Providing a chill space for all the viewers to hang out and relax, while obviously raising oodles of cash for charity.


A photo of Ian Horner.Ian Horner (He/Him)
Most likely to cause an electrical fire 

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

One half of tiltyhouse, charismatic megafauna for LoadingReadyRun, and undisputed Lord of the Night Bus-stop!

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Desert Bus 4?

What are you most looking forward to this year?

I’m excited to finally meet my skeletal friend who has beef with He-man.


A photo of Ben Ulmer.Ben Ulmer (He/Him)
Most likely to defeat a werebeast under a full moon, but then feel bad about it afterwards

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

“Hey you should move out to the Island and make jokes on the internet for a living!”
“Yeah sure, why not”

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Desert Bus 9

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Leaving my engineering cocoon and blossoming into an entertainment butterfly.


A photo of Jordan Hopkins.Jordan Hopkins (He/Him)
Most likely to try and summon a Keyblade |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Despite stepping down from the Comms Team and the Organizing Committee, Jordan can’t stay away for long! The Social Media dork is back for more goofs to raise money for the children.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

How many silly green screen goofs we can do.


A photo of Matt Wiggins.Matt Wiggins (He/Him)
Most likely to be a golden retriever in disguise |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Matt is a number of things, the specific relevance of which vary on a near daily basis. Once a member of LoadingReadyRun, he can now be found streaming daily on his Twitch channel, or talking about James Bond on the podcast From Rewatch With Love.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


November 11, 2020, 12:00 pm
Posted by: Az

After four years, We Are Desert Bus, the Desert Bus for Hope documentary is out!  Watch Now!

Initially a Kickstarter project looking to chronicle Desert Bus for Hope 10, We Are Desert Bus is more than a behind-the-scenes look of the show. Director Russ Pitts of Flying Saucer Media interviews the organizers and volunteers for their personal stories of how the annual event has affected their lives. Magicians Penn & Teller reveal the origins of Desert Bus the video game, along with their reactions to the week-long playthrough and charity cause. Additionally, the filmmakers follow a mid-marathon visit to a local children’s hospital to see the direct impact Desert Bus for Hope and Child’s Play have made in the lives of kids.


We would like to thank Bionic Trousers Media for their tireless work in finding the best way to distribute We Are Desert Bus, Child’s Play for their assistance in providing a home for the film, and the numerous viewers, chatters, donators, and Kickstarter backers for their patience.  

November 10, 2020, 2:36 pm
Posted by: Tim

A gallery of the entertainers on Alpha Flight. The title for the Alpha Flight banner reads "Most likely to be stolen by a goose."

Welcome to our next installment of the Desert Bus for Hope 2020 Yearbook! Over the next few days, we’ll be introducing the entertainers that’ll be keeping the bus rolling down the road during this year’s event. We asked each entertainer to write a quick intro about themselves. And, because it’s a yearbook, we asked our volunteers to write “Most likely to” titles for each person.

Before we dive in though, a quick note about shift scheduling this year from your Comms Director:

Due to the complex technical nature of this year’s event, we’ve made the call to have Alpha Flight kick things off a bit early on Friday morning at 10am. This is both to avoid having to do a difficult changeover before we’ve had a chance to work out some of the kinks in our live broadcast setup and also to steal two hours from James. We’ll definitely be joined by our friends from other shifts to help kick off the event, but we’ll effectively be starting with Alpha Flight this year. This only applies to the event kickoff on the first day, our standard six-hour shifts will continue for the remainder of the run.

Today, we introduce the Entertainers on the Alpha Flight shift (Friday Nov 13th: 10am-6pm; All other days: Noon-6pm PST)…

A photo of Kathleen de Vere.Kathleen de Vere (She/Her)
Most likely to start a pirate radio show |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Five Fun Facts about me!
1. I love psychedelic rock music
2. I am always very truthful
3. Earned my novice bog witch certificate this summer
4. Not great at counting

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

I’ve seen them all, man. *stares into middle distance*

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Seeing my friends, I miss them.


A photo of Carrie Floyd.Carrie Floyd (She/Her)
Most likely to be cuddling a cat |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Carrie is one half of PlayFrame, a chill YouTube let’s play channel she runs with her husband, Daniel. She loves cats, coffee, and getting lost in stories of all kinds. Horrible at games, decent at editing, pretty great at sleeping all day.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

As an Entertainer: 2019. As a guest/friend: whichever one where we ran off cell signal for a bit because the internet went down.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Connecting with friends and the larger DB community to do something good for folks. 2020 has been a bit lonely, and it’s so exciting to help great people with a great cause!


A photo of Andrew Ferguson.Andrew Ferguson (He/Him)
Most likely to commit to the bit

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I’m very tired.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Desert Bus 6!


Photo of Erika Cole.Erika Cole (She/Her)
Most likely to make any outfit look good

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

By day I am a mild-mannered public servant, by night I am the mild-mannered Shipping & Prizes Coordinator for Desert Bus for Hope.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

My first year as an entertainer! No, I don’t know why they let be an entertainer either.


A photo of Jacob Burgess.Jacob Burgess (He/Him)
Most likely to actually be a Vampire | |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Jacob Burgess is an actor, writer, and part of Ysbryd Games, an indie Video Game publisher and proud prize sponsor of DB. Jacob Burgess does a lot. Jacob Burgess speaks in the third person when talking about himself. Jacob Burgess is a chocobo that walks as a man. Jacob Burgess likes you very much and is happy you’re here.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

Entertaining masses and slinging sasses! Also, raising money for an amazing cause. That too.

November 9, 2020, 4:24 pm
Posted by: Tim

A gallery of entertainers on this year's Dawn Guard shift. The Dawn Guard shift banner has the title 'Most likely to get coffee on it.'

Welcome to our first instalment of the Desert Bus for Hope 2020 Yearbook! Over the next few days, we’ll be introducing the entertainers that’ll be keeping the bus rolling down the road during this year’s event. We asked each entertainer to write a quick intro about themselves. And, because it’s a yearbook, we asked our volunteers to write “Most likely to” titles for each person.

Today, we introduce the Entertainers on the Dawn Guard shift (6am-Noon PST)…


A photo of James Turner.James Turner (He/Him)
Most likely to use ice cream as a leverage tool

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I once ate an entire blackberry and apple pie to myself. I was told I had 50 words, but once you hear a man once at an entire pie to himself, what else is there to say.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

That tremendous feeling of hope, relief and a tired like no other the day after we wrap. Also all the goofs, goofs are good. I hope that guy with the ham comes back.


A photo of Paul Saunders.Paul Saunders (He/Him)
Most likely to release a shanty album

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Paul is the co-founder of the Internet comedy omni-corporation known as LoadingReadyRun. In his spare time, he likes to grow facial hair and sing folks songs and sea shanties.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Since before there was a Desert Bus to bus

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Entertaining viewers while leaving all the hard stuff to our very talented tech team


A photo of Serge Yager.Serge Yager (He/Him)
Most likely to win at coffee pong |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less:

Friendly coffee enthusiast.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Desert Bus 6

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Challenging James to Coffee Pong.


A photo of Ashton Cummings.Ashton Cummings (He/Him)
Most likely to make you smile |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Just a boy, standing in front of a bus, asking it to love him. Long-time Desert Bus for Hope Organizer, first-time Desert Bus from Home streamer. Join us as I convert my second bedroom into a streaming studio and try to avoid noise complaints!

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Desert Bus 4

What are you most looking forward to this year?

People! Friends! Human Interaction!


A photo of Liz Smith.Liz Smith (She/Her)
Most likely to dance at you

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I‘m Liz, (aka Dammit Liz) and I am fortunate to get to dance around and make stupid jokes for charity. I’ve been around the DBFH crew since 2012 and keep coming back for more! As a survivor of childhood cancer, I am happy to have a way to give back.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

The awesome Desert Bus for Hope community. It’s like a warm positive hug of memes. (and also beating James at Jenga…virtually?)

November 9, 2020, 11:31 am
Posted by: Tim

Our schedule and guest list is live! Joining us this year are: Erick Blandin, Mikey Neumann, Alison Luhrs, Andrew Cowden, Madeleine Suddaby, Tabitha “Tabby” Sheehan, Laser (from The Doubleclicks!), and Jerry Holkins.

We’ve got less than one week to go to Desert Bus for Hope 2020! And with the start of the run so close, we’re publishing the schedule and guest list for this year’s event! Check out this list of who’s calling in…

  • Erick Blandin
  • Mikey Neumann
  • Alison Luhrs
  • Andrew Cownden
  • Madeleine Suddaby
  • Tabitha “Tabby” Sheehan
  • Laser (from The Doubleclicks!)
  • Jerry Holkins

This year we’re doing call-ins a little differently… many of our guests will be joining us for a full shift (or more than one shift!), hanging around to chat, play games, and take on your challenges. Please no one tell them what they’ve gotten themselves into.

And, we’re not done! Keep tuned to this blog throughout this week as we flip through this year’s Desert Bus for Hope 2020 yearbook and meet the talented entertainers that’ll be driving this year’s bus.

November 6, 2020, 12:36 pm
Posted by: Andrew
 Attention Crusaders of the Lost Idols Fans!
Crusaders of the Lost Idols

If you’re a fan of Codename Entertainment‘s clicker idle game Crusaders of the Lost Idols we have some great news for you! Codename is once again offering exclusive Crusaders of the Lost Idols DLC in exchange for donations to Desert Bus For Hope 2020!
Our very own technological wizard Ian, the Button Master, has been turned into a Crusader of the Lost Idols character!

Button Master Ian

Button Master Ian comes with some amazing gear and abilities that not only makes him a powerhouse, he can boost your whole team! For details on just how awesome this new crusader is, and how to get your own, head over to You’ll also unlock all our previous Desert Bus Crusaders: James the Seated, Graham the Driver, Kathleen the Chaotic, and The Desert Bus itself!

100% of the money raised goes to directly to Child’s Play donated thru Desert Bus for Hope, so it’s a great way to buff your whole team, get some extra in-game gold, and help push us to the next hour at the same time!

Crusaders of the Lost Idols is available on the web, and on Steam.


The whole Desert Bus team wish a huge thank you to everyone at Codename Entertainment for their incredible continued support of Desert Bus for Hope.

November 6, 2020, 10:34 am
Posted by: Andrew

Donations are OPEN!!

We know you’ve all been waiting patiently this year, well…YOUR WAIT IS OVER!!

We are exactly one week out from the start of this year’s run and that means donations are open! Head on over to the donation page & chip in a few bucks! As is tradition, LoadingReadyRun has started us off by donating the first $100 so let’s see how high we can get that total before the run!

As always, all money raised goes directly to the Child’s Play Charity to help improve the lives of children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters.

We’ll see you Friday November 13th starting at 10am PST!

November 5, 2020, 12:28 pm
Posted by: Andrew

We didn’t think one announcement for you was enough today, so here’s a quick update to let you know that our prize galleries are LIVE!

Go check out our amazing live and silent auctions, or the heaps of giveaways we’ve got! Our amazing sponsors & talented crafters have put together some incredible lots for you this year!



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