November 25, 2009, 2:54 am
Posted by: kathleen

This awesome Lady Gaga parody was created by Ian Horner.

November 25, 2009, 2:38 am
Posted by: kathleen

Now stop asking me to update the blog!

November 25, 2009, 2:31 am
Posted by: kathleen
November 25, 2009, 2:27 am
Posted by: kathleen

We had a challenge to draw a Desert Bus crew member as their WOW avatar! Here’s the submissions. Some are more disturbing than others…

November 25, 2009, 2:15 am
Posted by: kathleen

Ken gave away free shoes to the person he thought designed the best shoes! Here are some of the designs! Choose your favourite!

November 24, 2009, 5:14 pm
Posted by: kathleen

The wonderful achievement graphics just keep rolling in guys! Wow!

November 24, 2009, 4:58 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Translated lovingly from Norwegian to English!


November 24, 2009, 4:54 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Tonight we’re going to do be doing some amazing art auctions! Not only is Shuster Award winning artist, Ken “Value Added” Stacey coming in for another round of madness, we have some incredible original artwork by Derek Hand and Chelsea Conlin. We will also be auctioning off original artwork from the Loading Ready Run Craft along by Vikkie Moule. There will be something for every taste and price range! So decorate your home, for the children!

Derek Hand – 3 Pack of Original Art from LRR’s Inside D&D 4th Edition Video (2 of three shown here)



Chelsea Conlin – 3 original prints – will be printed on high quality paper and shipped to you directly by the artist




November 24, 2009, 3:48 pm
Posted by: Paul

Actor, writer, alpha geek and all around awesome guy Wil Wheaton will be calling in to the Desert Bus Orbiting Underground Moon Base at 5:00 PST (8:00 EST), but what will we ask him? Perhaps you can help. Post your questions as comments to this post and we will ask him the best ones!

November 24, 2009, 1:54 pm
Posted by: kathleen