November 22, 2010, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
It’s time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and this guest is all out of bubblegum . Calling in at 5PM is Jon St. John, the voice of the one and the only Duke Nukem, the wise-craking, alien blasting hero of the games that bear his name.
So what are you waiting for, Christmas?  Post a question in the comments below, and make sure to be online whe the call comes in.
November 22, 2010, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
Another new corporate sponsor for Desert Bus for Hope 2010 is Dark Horse Comics. Fine purveyors of comics, manga and books, Dark Horse have gained their reputation for excellence by publishing some of the most celebrated comic works today (Sin City, Ghost in the Shell, Astro Boy, Hellboy, and even Yahtzee’s book Mogworld, published by the Dark Horse Books imprint.
To help us raise money for Child’s play, Dark Horse Comics has donated some incredible comic and art books from Star Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Yoshitaka Amano and Frank Miller. For full details, please check out their listings on our silent and live auction pages.
Thank you so much to Dark Horse for their donation. For more information, check them out online at
November 22, 2010, 3:26 pm
Posted by: tally


Another $10,000, another set of awesome milestone pictures. Enjoy!!!

November 22, 2010, 2:30 pm
Posted by: Jer

While Kristin will not be able to show up and help bus in-person this year (at least, in a conventional sense), she’ll be calling in to throw her support behind the crew, and urge them on in their noble quest for desert domination.

As the project lead on Child’s Play, Kristin has given us huge amounts of support from the get-go, and is generally a great person to have on-side for any endeavour. Of course, I write this knowing that she, Penny Arcade, and some other members of LoadingReadyRun are hatching some kind of nefarious plan involving my driving shift, of which I am not entirely clear, and that this plan will probably be in action by the time this post hits the site.

Stay tuned for the details … I guess …? *worried Jer is worried*

November 22, 2010, 2:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
Sony Computer Entertainment was one of the first Corporate Sponsors to come onboard for Desert Bus 2010, and we’re thrilled they did! They sent us a delightful selection of games for PS3 and PSP, and what is certainly one of the most unique prize packs we have for this year – the Sony Executive Bundle! The Sony Executive Bundle includes everything you need to pretend you’re a high roller with the international corporation!
Stay tuned for the our Sony auctions and giveaways as they progress throughout the week. For more information, please visit Sony online at
November 22, 2010, 1:30 pm
Posted by: Jer
Susan Arendt is the Senior Editor at When she’s not keeping all The Escapist’s writers in line, she engages with fans on the Escapist forums, reviews games, and is one of the three pole on earth that knows of the Gamecube PN.03. (And She’s probably the only one of those three that enjoys it).
Susan will be calling in at 2:30PM to chat with us, and share in our unending pain, as the marathon continues. Make sure to tune in!
November 22, 2010, 1:26 pm
Posted by: Hacked by IkhwanaGanz

So remember last year, way back to Desert Bus 2009 when we had a lovely gentlemen by the name of Ken Steacy on the air with us? The very same Ken Steacy who left us with the now infamous nickname Ken “Value Added” Steacy? Yah, he’s coming back!

For those who don’t know who this wonderful man is, I lifted this directly from his Wikipedia page.

Ken “Value Added” Steacy is a Canadian comics artist and writer best known for his work on the NOW Comics comic book series of Astro Boy and of the Comico comic series of Jonny Quest, as well as his graphic novel collaborations with Harlan Ellison (Night and the Enemy, 1987) and Dean Motter (The Sacred and the Profane, 1987). Ken was a member of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets 386 Comox Squadron.

He entertained the masses last year and even though he won’t be here in person (he’s back east this year) he’s sure to do it once again!

So make sure to tune in: 6:00PM PST

Here is just a small sample of some of the things going up for Auction this evening.

November 22, 2010, 12:45 pm
Posted by: Jer

Greg Tito is a freelance games journalist who has found steady work of late in the employ of The Escapist. He’s an avid gamer, both on the console and the tabletop. He will also be calling us in about an hour to show support, talk about us, talk about himself, and maybe talk about things you want to talk about. Be sure to have the feed open at 1:00 to catch his call!

If you have a question for Greg, post it to the comments below, and we’ll get to it if we get the chance!

November 22, 2010, 12:44 pm
Posted by: Hacked by IkhwanaGanz

This is one of my favorite parts about desert bus, the amount of creative works of art wether they be Songs, Pictures, Fan Fiction that come from you guys.

This is one of the best Desert Bus themed songs we’ve gotten in the 4 years of doing this.

November 22, 2010, 11:10 am
Posted by: Jer

There is a great disturbance in the internet … as if an entire table of PCs just wondered “Where is my DM,” and were sorely confused. Thankfully, we know the answer: that Penny Arcade illustrator Mike Krahulik will be calling us in a scant half-hour to throw his support behind the cause!

Mike is famous on the internets for his fantastic illustrations, and love of games, Star Wars, and–recently–Dungeons and Dragons. As a co-founder of Child’s Play, his dedication to the children is also strong. We look forward to hearing from him, and hope you do too!