November 23, 2010, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live, Stephen ‘Stepto’ Tolouse is a man of many talents.  He’s a Twitter personality, a w00tstock entertainer, and the Xbox Live equivalent of our very own Kroze!  Weilding the banhammer from atop his mighty throne, Stepto keeps the intertubes safe for children of all ages. Few have the constitution to face down as many online terrors as this man.  Common terms found in his dayto day employment include “egregious sexual harassment”, “dick quotient”, “inaropriate personal exposure”, and the dreaded “helicopter”.
Stepto will be calling in at 5PM.   Don’t miss it.
November 23, 2010, 1:30 pm
Posted by: Jer
Steve Butts
Steve butts is the Managing Editor at, and is responsible for many a revew, preview and event live-blog, posted to the site. He’ll be calling in at 2:30PM to lend us his support, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the prestigious life of a managing editor. Please post your question in the comments below, and make sure to tune in!
November 23, 2010, 12:00 pm
Posted by: tally

Sponsor Showcase : Bethesda Softworks

So, on Monday it was super cold and miserable. An ‘epic’ blizzard had descended on Victoria. (Keep in mind that an epic blizzard by our standards is 2 inches of snow. We’re wimpy, and our city doesn’t have any plows or sanding equipment…). However, the cockles of our hearts were warmed, even though our toes were numb. Bethesda’s long awaited delivery finally arrived! Two boxes of Fallout: New Vegas goodies – games, hardcover collectors edition game guides AND the coveted NCR flag t-shirts (the ones that disappeared in about an hour at PAX prime) for us to give away and auction off for the children! Check out our live auction pages if you want a chance to get great Fallout: New Vegas goodies in exchange for a donation to Child’s play!

Thank you so much to Bethesda! We’re all drooling over the Fallout: New Vegas swag, and so are our viewers! Please visit Bethesda online at

November 23, 2010, 9:42 am
Posted by: tally

It’s a good thing you guys keep making those milestone pictures, because we keep needing them. I thought maybe I could come in, sit down and enjoy my coffee but nope, gotta go blog 😛

Here is what I have to offer for this time around. And remember I do continue to add to these posts, so if you get a 90,000+ milestone picture in fairly soon (ie, not to far past the 100,000 mark) then I’ll make sure to add it.

November 23, 2010, 6:00 am
Posted by: Jer
Where to begin with this blog post? The Escapist has contributed more than we could have ever imagined to the success of Desert Bus for Hope. Their entire staff has pitched in to help us make this the best Desert Bus ever. The countless hours programming the Dessert Bus pie game, the incredible prizes they’re offering, and the generous offer to donate $10 every time a pub club membership is purchased are just some of the ways The Escapist has been responsible for a huge portion of the money raised during this year’s Desert Bus.
Escapist staffers Kelly and Janelle have worked countless hours to coordinate talent call ins, corporate sponsors and press attention for Desert Bus. While they can’t be here in person, they’re most definitely here with us in spirit.
We here at Desert Bus would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt thank yous to The Escapist for all the hard work they’ve done, the help they’ve provided and the opportunities they’ve given us to be so successful.
November 23, 2010, 3:00 am
Posted by: Jer
John Funk is a newswriter, columnist and game reviewer for, and Pokefreak / Gundam enthusiast extrordinaire. John’s collection of gundam models is rapidly encroaching on other parts of the Escapist’s offices, and his writing style exemplifies the bleeding edge of new and innovative pokemon-based literary devices, but hes always happy to discuss what it is that he does.
So, he chooses you, desertbus viewers!  If you use your ‘question’ abilities against the comments thread for this post, we assure you that when Mr. Funk calls in at 11AM, they’ll be super-effective.
November 22, 2010, 10:12 pm
Posted by: tally

He’s so cute :) So what the hell happened?

Anyways, there were ALOT of these so for now I’m going to get the two winners up and get the rest done tomorrow. Thanks to all that entered and congrats to the winners!

November 22, 2010, 9:02 pm
Posted by: tally

Yikes, guys, seriously this is getting out of hand :)

Thanks to Ken for the call in this evening and making it that much easier to show you these awesome milestone pictures! I know a couple of these might be a bit ahead of myself but, lets be honest, it’s hard to keep up.

November 22, 2010, 8:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
It might seem a little recursive that Penny Arcade would donate prizes for a charity fundraiser that benefits the charity they founded, but it demonstrates how incredibly generous and supportive Penny Arcade are towards this telethon.
Behind us from the beginning, when playing video games for money was a new idea, Penny Arcade have been a fountain of unending support for Desert Bus for Hope, and there is no way any of this would have been possible without them. Wether it’s driving traffic towards us, donating personally to prolong our suffering, coming up with the $10,000 challenge in year 2, visits, call-ins, or inviting us to attend the Charity Auction, Penny Arcade have shown time and time again what quality people look like.
All of us at Desert Bus would like to extend a tremendous thank you to Penny Arcade for their help towards this year’s Desert Bus.
November 22, 2010, 4:47 pm
Posted by: tally

Just like last night we have some amazing stuff lined up for you guys, here’s what we have in the works.

As you know from a earlier blog post Ken Steacy will be calling in this evening and auctioning some super awesome stuff off, make sure to hop over to this blog post and catch a sneak peek at what we have coming up.

Goomba Pixel Blanket (After Ken) Assume late evening between 9-11 PST

Heather first began making this blanket as a project to do on the bus. (How perfect is that, huh?!) It took over 100 hours to complete, and was mostly made on the bus or while waiting for the bus (though the final assembly of course had to be done at the artist’s home). This is Heather’s very first crocheted blanket.

The blanket is made up of crocheted granny squares. It measures 72″ by 73″, and is made with Acrylic yarn.

Tauren Lion plush (5:25PM PST)

This is a plush Tauren Druid in cat form, made with all new materials. He is over a foot long, and is very huggable! One of a kind handmade plush by Serthida, this cat has a very goofy smile and will happily guard your desk. Not for small children, as there are small parts that may be removable.