November 19, 2011, 3:19 am
Posted by: KingKool

We were bowled over by the number of entries to the MLP Desert Bus contest (and by ‘we’, I mean “me struggling to keep up”). There was a lot of talent flying around, but in the end, we chose WulverMang by Caitlyn!



And here’s all the other fantastic entries! It turns our Friendship IS Magic! It’s so magic, we can’t fit all the ponies in one post! More in the next post!


November 19, 2011, 2:07 am
Posted by: KingKool

We just reached $25,000, and we haven’t even been going for eight hours! We only got one milestone pick for this one, so they get this page all for themselves.If you want to send in a milestone pic, send it to [email protected]!

November 19, 2011, 12:25 am
Posted by: KingKool

We solicited some pictures of fanart with our friends James and Daniel from our buddies on PATV’s Extra Credits riding the Desert Bus. There were some great entries, but we picked this won from Audra!

Congratulations! She’s won the nifty L4D Health Pack iPad slipcase! Here are the other great entries!


November 18, 2011, 10:03 pm
Posted by: KingKool

We’ve reached $20,000 within only a few hours of starting, even with the technical glitches! That’s nearly the amount we raised in the first year, and that took days! We’re definitely excited!

November 18, 2011, 8:29 pm
Posted by: Kara

Not bigger. Not stronger. Exactly the same as we were before.

Sorry team, we couldn’t get LiveStream working effectively so we switched back to

We have made changes to our account with and we’re hoping that our user limit problems have been resolved. Apologies for the extended absence.

November 18, 2011, 8:06 pm
Posted by: Kara

Due to user limits imposed by we’ll be switching over to Livestream… as soon as our fingers can type the changes.

During the switch, our Driver Cam with be down for approximately 5 minutes.

Don’t panic. Our thrilling live feed and general hijinks will resume shortly.

November 18, 2011, 7:27 pm
Posted by: Kara

International (ie. outside of North America) viewers!

We understand that viewers in some countries are unable to view the live feeds. If they watch the stream for longer than 60 second, is requiring them to sign up for a Premium Account.

We’re working on it.

We want our fundraiser to be as accessible to everyone and we’ll do everything in our power to find a solution.

We’ll post more information as it is received.

November 18, 2011, 6:04 pm
Posted by: KingKool

Desert Bus 5 has begun! We’ve had more donations before we started this year than any previous year! It’s a great way to start, but we have not yet begun to bus!

Watch us! Watch us right now!

November 18, 2011, 5:21 pm
Posted by: KingKool

We haven’t even begun the event proper, but we’ve reached $10,000 in donations before even one inch has been driven! This means we’ve safely avoided any Over 9000 milestone pics, to my everlasting sadness.

Don’t forget that if you want to send us a milestone pic, send your pictures to [email protected].

November 18, 2011, 5:20 pm
Posted by: Kara

Wipe the dust on your Desert Bus wallet!

Silent Auctions will be starting in under an hour and we’ve got 3 excellent prizes up for grabs:

The biggest Big Bag o’ Dice  I have ever seen, which equates to roughly a metric tonne, or ~ 300.









The plush crocheted pig of cuteness.







Astro A40 Black Headset – the headset of champions. Or people who just really like high quality audio while they’re gaming. So pretty much everyone :)