November 17, 2012, 3:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

PubNub is a blazing fast cloud-hosted real-time messaging system for web and mobile apps. That means that we can receive real time updates to our donation total using their lightning-speed data pushing service, and that we no longer have to bribe Lakitus to carry hard drives around.

Thanks PubNub!

November 17, 2012, 2:00 am
Posted by: Kelly

It’s 2AM and the second set of silent auctions are beginning!

This time around we have the following gems for you to bid on:


Remember: It’s for the children!
November 17, 2012, 1:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

Desert Bus is proud to have the award-winning independent game development studio Double Fine Productions on board!

Founded by industry luminary Tim Schafer way back in the year 2000, over the past 12 years Double Fine has released some of the most creative and critically acclaimed games on the market, including Brutal Legend, Costume Quest, and of course Psychonauts, arguably one of the best games. Ever.

Double Fine is setting us up with some limited edition Middle Manager of Justice prints that you will not want to miss, so stay tuned for Paul’s driving shift on Sunday!

November 16, 2012, 11:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Penny Arcade, Inc. started in 1998 as a simple webcomic about two roommates waiting for a game level to load. In the intervening years, it has become the undisputed king of gaming webcomics, spawning gaming conventions, video games of their own, an internet TV channel with awesome shows, and the charity Child’s Play. Since 2003 Child’s Play has raised over twelve million dollars to buy toys, books, and games for children’s hospitals around the world. There may be irony in a deeply profane webcomic starting a charity for children, but the enormity of the contribution is undeniable.

The great folks at Penny Arcade and Child’s Play have been nothing but supportive of us and our craziness.

We want to extend our utmost thanks to everyone at PA for making Desert Bus for Hope 6 possible. Jamie and Kristen will be here on Monday and Tuesday, so be sure to show them some love.

November 16, 2012, 10:30 pm
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

We’ve only been bussing for just over an hour and we’ve already hit $10,000 raised! We thank you! The children thank you! Everyone thanks you!

Here’s the first batch of milestone images, and remember, if you want to contribute one (say $50,000 raised, or 10 points) you can send your pictures to: milestones (at)

Please make your pictures no larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels wide, and use the following file formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.

November 16, 2012, 9:52 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Hey everyone, do you like fezzes? (Of course you do! Fezzes are cool!)

Well here’s your chance to win a fez that the great and powerful Wil Wheaton donated to Desert Bus!

Here’s what you have to do:

1) Draw a one panel political cartoon showing the evil corporate tycoon Roscoe thwarting James’s attempt to unionize Desert Bus.

2) Send your entries to [email protected].

3) List your subject line as: James’s Driver Challenge.


Good luck! The contest ends at 9:00 AM PST, November 17th.

Click here more information on the fez.

November 16, 2012, 8:30 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Before we officially start this year’s marathon, the entire organizing committee would like to extend an official thanks to one of our organizing partners The Escapist.

2012 marks the third year of our partnership, and once again the Escapist has pulled out all the stops to help promote Desert Bus and bring it to an even bigger audience. The team at Escapist HQ have been working tirelessly to help us this year. For Desert Bus 6 they’ve created a special mini-site, set aside advertising space for the event, sent us a huge assortment of prizes and helped us round up our biggest assortment of corporate sponsors yet. The Escapist is also doing its annual Publishers Club for Charity Drive, donating the proceeds of its premium Publishers Club memberships to Desert Bus, and sweetening the pig with a huge assortment of prizes, many of which are exclusive to Desert Bus. You can find out more about the Escapist’s Pub Club donation drive by visiting

It was the generous support of The Escapist that helped propel us north of $380,000 last year so we’re thrilled to be working with them again this year.

November 16, 2012, 8:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Just who is this mysterious Liz?

Geek? Pop Culture Guru? That crazy person who keeps asking us for spare change? Maybe all of the above!


Dammit Liz (aka Liz Smith) is a freelance event consultant based out of the Seattle area who specializes in geek culture and the glory that surrounds it. This year Liz has pulled out all the stops, helping out with her incredible organizational skills, lining up awesome call-ins, and even donating from her own personal vault of swag! We can’t say how happy we are to have her on board or how cool she is.

No event too big, no fandom too small, Liz is there to help your project get rolling and back on track. You can find her on her website, Twitter or Facebook.

Seriously, what else can be said about a woman who led a battalion of Storm Troopers down the streets of LA?


November 16, 2012, 7:12 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Once again Steve Dengler of Dracogen Strategic Investments is returning to Desert Bus as a sponsor!

Besides founding currency conversion giant (today ranked as the 359th most popular website on Earth), Steve is also an Angel Investor, philanthropist, comic strip character, and a grade-A, power-level-over-9,000, geek. (Did we mention that he’s a comic strip character? How cool is that!)

Steve is one of Desert Bus’s most dedicated sponsors and is giving from the depths of his heart and his own personal collection to help make this year’s Desert Bus an even bigger success than ever before.  We’re honored and grateful to have you back again this year, Steve!

November 16, 2012, 6:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Daddy Ashton instructs you on how to setup a donor account so you can bid and challenge with the best of them!

He also takes you through our new “Live” page and how to login to the chat. Important information for the full Desert Bus experience!