November 22, 2012, 6:00 am
Posted by: Kelly

Good morning Desert Bus!

You won’t believe the five fabulous items we have to help wake you up today! Feast your eyes and bleed your wallets at these:

November 22, 2012, 4:01 am
Posted by: Kara

The 1st place winner is the prettiest princess! On a bus!

And the 2nd Place winner is:

And just to get the full effect, he also sent it to us in 3D!


And the rest of our amazing submissions for this contest are:

November 22, 2012, 2:05 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

It’s late (or possibly early, or like mid-afternoon depending on your timezone), but we have silent auctions happening all the time!

There are four hours left to bid on these fabulous items!


You have eight hours to bid on these marvelous auctions!



November 22, 2012, 1:19 am
Posted by: Kara

All these submissions were amazing, but the winners are:





November 21, 2012, 10:05 pm
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

You’ve got less than four hours to bid on these silent auction items!


There are eight hours left to bid on these auctions that have just gone live!

November 21, 2012, 8:47 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Only fifteen minutes until this auction launches!

Found in the depths of Vault 34 and signed by the entire dev team this framed Fallout New Vegas Poster is worth your weight in bottlecaps and will be shipped to you directly by Obsidian!

The auction starts at 9:00pm PST.


November 21, 2012, 7:20 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Hey everyone, want to do something awesome?

We need to fill out our achievements page and we want you to do it for us (that sounded better in my head…)!

Anyway, help us out and get your achievements

Here’s what you do:

  1. Go to our achievements page and see which achievements we have already unlocked this year!
  2. Notice that we need images to put up for those achievements!
  3. Realize that if you submit art for those unlocked achievements you could win a prize!
  4. Draw/Photoshop/Airbend something awesome and save it as  Save it as a PNG at 70px by 70px with transparency.
  5. Send it to us at [email protected] and use “Achievement Unlocked” as your  Subject Line!
  6. ???
  7. PROFIT!

So what do you get? Well, we might just be giving our favorite entry a copy of The Darkness II for a platform of your choice (XBOX, Playstation or PC).

Plus, you get unlock the personal achievement “Achievement Unlocked: Unlock Achievement Unlocked through Unlocked Achievement”.


November 21, 2012, 7:20 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Help us, oh-Desert Bus fans, you’re our only hope!

Want to win an cuddly R2D2 plush made by our very own Tally of Tally’s Treasury? This droid has big attitude for such a small guy and is made of soft fleece, felt, and sass with a with appliquéd felt detailing. You can hold onto this plush droid like your childhood memories of the pre-prequel Star Wars!

Tally is also the coordinator of the Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along, which is pretty much the most awesome role ever because she gets to talk about, look at and handle countless incredible handmade items and get to know the immensely talented people who made them. But she has to pretend that it’s super duper difficult and arduous work, since Desert Bus is all about pain and suffering, so shhh!

To win this item drop donate any multiple of $12.22 before 8pm! Every $12.22 buys you an entry into the draw! So go! Bid! You still have 40 minutes!

And may the Bus be with you. Always.



November 21, 2012, 7:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

T-Minus thirty minutes until you have a chance to win your very own song by the Doubleclicks!

That’s right. Your very own song. Anything you want a song about, 60 to 90 seconds long.

Auction starts at 7:30pm PST
[Song to be completed within 90 days of confirmation of mutually agreed upon topic. The Doubleclicks reserve the right to perform the song in their set and include in future albumns. The song is for a charity donation and is not for commercial use.]
November 21, 2012, 6:50 pm
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

The Doubleclicks perform delightfully geeky songs in a way only a pair of sisters can – using their cello, ukulele and sweet harmonies. Since hopping on to the scene in 2011 with a weekly new-song YouTube project and the music video for their Dungeons & Dragons love song – “This Fantasy World,” The Doubleclicks have headlined from Portland to Seattle and beyond, performing at w00tstock shows with Paul & Storm and Wil Wheaton, and entertaining audiences at pop culture, gaming, and sci-fi conventions.

During their call in we’ll be auctioning off A Custom Doubleclicks Song! Yes, your very own song. That’s right. Anything you want a song about they’ll write and record it!

The Doubleclicks will be calling in on Wednesday at 7:00 PM PST, 10:00 PM EST, 3:00 AM GMT.