November 22, 2013, 6:07 am
Posted by: Mia

Oh, viewers. Oh, readers. This Zeta shift. I think it’s possibly the best Zeta shift we’ve ever done, and not just because Matt raised the most cash out of all the Zeta shifts this year. We had some incredible events.

Firstly, Dix and Ian took Cam to the….GAY BAR.


As if that wasn’t hilarious enough, we proceeded to absolutely BREAK Andrew by showing him the Singing Chicken hat.



We discovered the existence of A FRENCH DESERT BUS DRIVE!!! Go check them out here.


We auctioned off this outrageously awesome Weeping Angel blanket…



And then we proceeded to just QWOP balls for the rest of the night. The gifs and images say it all.

November 22, 2013, 6:00 am
Posted by: Kara

momoconMomoCon heads into its 10th annual anime and gaming convention this coming May, bringing geeks of all ages to Atlanta, GA. In 2013, over 12,000 gamers, anime fans, artists, cosplayers and cartoon-enthusiasts enjoyed three days of fun. Like Desert Bus for Hope, MomoCon started as the efforts of a small group of close-knit folks and has grown into a huge amalgamation of many things awesome. Momocon now hosts game tournaments, screenings, workshops, performances, vendors and all things con-related.

MomoCon provided us with the amazing signed Normandy model and did an amazing job helping to spread the word about Desert Bus prior to the start of the run.

November 22, 2013, 5:38 am
Posted by: Kelly

Hey all, Kelly here with two more quick rounds of praise for some media darlings who have helped the cause!

Hats off to Indie Game Magazine‘s own Ryan Chodora! Ryan wrote a piece on Desert Bus for his mag that covers our history as the world’s longest running gaming charity and explains what we”re driving for: THE KIDLINS. Thanks for the word, Ryan!

Desert Bus was also the subject of this video segment for Aljazeera America, as reported by Allen Schauffler! Thanks!

Have some media that we haven’t seen? Have an article that you wrote that we gotta see? Tell us in the comments!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled bussing.

November 22, 2013, 5:35 am
Posted by: Mia

Congratulations, AmyLouise!



The rest of the entries are below the cut!


November 22, 2013, 4:20 am
Posted by: Mia

In celebration of our newfound French brothers in boring-as-bus arms, Matt has issued an art challenge! Draw a picture of French Desert Bus (as represented by Ian) meeting with Canadian Desert Bus (represented by Kathleen). Submit to [email protected] until 5am!


November 22, 2013, 3:26 am
Posted by: Mia

So this is amazing. AMAZING.

There is a Desert Bus France, which has just started right now. They’ve been bussing for a few minutes and are raising money to combat poverty. So once we’ve bussed out, go donate to their good cause! Fraternite, amiright?

Desert Bus de l’Espoir – Marathon Solidaire… by desertbus

Good bussing to you!

November 22, 2013, 1:25 am
Posted by: Mia

We’re having a donation drive for some awesome rad pokemon buttons; donate $7.18 or multiples thereof until 2am.

But on to silent auctions! The following will be expiring at 2am:

Optimus Prime Collage


Hyrule Shield


Team Fortress 2 Pyro Plush


Guardians of the North Stamp Collection



And the next few auctions are on until 6am:

Desert Bus Pushpin Madness


Fashionable Handmade Chocobo


Uncut X-Men Card Sheet


Games Games Games!


So bid, my monkeys! BID!


November 22, 2013, 12:34 am
Posted by: Mia

We have a unique donation drive going on right now until 12:45. For a donation of $7, you put in a vote for Matt going to the Gay Bar. For a donation of $6, you vote for Matt to choose another member of the Moonbase to take to the Gay Bar. And for $5, you just let us do whatever.

This year, Matt is unable to dance as vicariously due to a foot injury, so any Gay Bar antics will take place in the white spinny chair.

So donate, my pretties. And if any of you can photoshop the following GIF to include Matt’s face, send it to me at [email protected], because YES PLEASE.

gay bar

November 21, 2013, 11:58 pm
Posted by: Mike

What an exciting day it’s been.

We had an embarrassing story contest. Amanda won with a read-through-your-fingers tale of airport awkwardness.



Desert Bus friend, patron, and benefactor Dengler came by to give away some prizes, make some ridiculous bids, and lift our spirits with his trademark megawatt smile.


Delivery guy

Our food delivery guy, Dylan, melted our hearts when he donated his entire week’s tips to the cause!



Four Moonbase couples participated in a round of Newlyweds Game!



Star Wars maven, author, and crafter extraordinaire Bonnie Burton called in!



Aaron Forsythe, Director of Magic: The Gathering R&D, Former Pro Tour player Skyped us too!



And last, but most certainly not least, Ken “Value Added” Steacy, dropped by and auctioned off a princely cache of goods that hauled in over $25,000 total.


What a great day!


November 21, 2013, 11:53 pm
Posted by: Mike

Have you guys seen the superlative official DB7 poster, by Supernormal Step’s Michael Lunsford?

It looks something like this:

Preview (3)


If you like what you see, head to the LoadingReadyRun store to get yourself a copy.