November 17, 2021, 11:04 am
Posted by: Az

Donate $6.78 or multiples thereof before 11:45am PST for a chance to win these MtG Secret Lair drops!!

Mountain, Go | Secret Lair

Sometimes you don’t need your Secret Lair to be filled with rare or niche cards. Sometimes you just need the bread-and-butter staples. Mountain, Go features four different alt-art printings of Lighting Bolt (In foil, BYO basic Mountain). A Box of Rocks helps you keep your mana fixed and ramp you to your big cards. This set includes alt-art versions of Arcane Signet, Commander’s Sphere, Chromatic Lantern, Gilded Lotus, and Darksteel Ingot (in non-foil).

A Box of Rocks | Secret Lair

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