November 15, 2021, 6:00 pm
Posted by: Tim
GIF of SongWon Cho trying to eat a cake via the telepresence robot.

Posted by randomtrivia.

Attention riders of Desert Bus, we here at DB Labs would like to remind you that our current implementation of our Digital Presence Robot is still in beta. At no point should you attempt to feed the robot with food or drink. Failure to adhere to this recommendation may result in outages, screen smudging, and enough crumbs on the floor to trigger an immediate emergency vacuum procedure. Thank you for your consideration.

With that bit of housekeeping out of the way, here’s what else you missed during today’s Alpha Flight…

SungWon Cho (a.k.a. ProZD) calls in to hang out with Alpha Flight:

We auction off the M.I.N.I. Agent Field Kit live:

Latest updates in the Kindness War:

Erika runs Session 2 of Alpha Flight’s D&D Campaign:

The weather is a liiiiittle extreme right now:

We look at the winner and runners up of today’s Creative Challenge:

And, finally, did we mention that, thanks to all of YOU, we’ve reached $7.5 Million Lifetime raised for Child’s Play Charity? We did! Thank you!

Posted by randomtrivia.

Posted by randomtrivia.

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2021 happenings around the web…

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