November 15, 2021, 2:30 pm
Posted by: Tim

Incoming Live Auction alert! The M.I.N.I. Agent Field Kit is coming up for auction today at 3:00pm PST!

Prize photo.

We represent an organization called MINI – the Multiversal Incident Neutralization Inititative. We’re a secret organization tasked with tracking super-powered entities across the multiverse, to keep fights between them from disrupting the peace here in our world. Haven’t heard of us? That’s a testament to our success!

This briefcase is standard equipment issued to new recruits as part of the M.I.N.I.A.T.U.R.E.S. project, recruiting gamers, role-players, and the like to simulate multiversal conflicts. Included are:

• 47 customized and fully-painted gaming miniatures, representing a broad lineup across the Desert Bus and LoadingReadyRun multiverses. Scale is “28mm heroic”, used in many RPGs and wargames.

• Full-color poker-sized deck of 53 character cards. Cards double as ‘token’ cards for a popular trading card game.

• Dossier with agency ‘Welcome’ letter and assorted character sheets.

• Durable metal-walled briefcase with custom foam inserts.

This item represents months of research, crafting, and love. Agent, it is your duty to give it a good home!

Be sure to log in to Twitch chat to you’d like to bid on this! Remember, you’ll need to link your Donor Account to your Twitch account to bid, so be sure to do that before the auction begins.

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