November 15, 2021, 12:40 pm
Posted by: Tim

Cover of a fake Alpha Flight D&D sourcebook.Yesterday, the intrepid adventurers of Alpha Flight embarked on their quests through the multiverse. Today, as our adventures continue, we’re challenging the community to come up with portraits of the party!

As a quick refresher, the adventuring party includes…

  • Waywocket (Gnome Wizard) and Vulp (Fox Familiar)
  • Bepis (Loxodon Paladin)
  • Boom (Gnome Artificer)
  • Issac (Tiefling Rogue)

Of note, you don’t have to draw all four characters, and feel free to use whichever art style you prefer!

Send your submissions as a PNG or JPG to [email protected] with the subject line Character Portraits. Be sure to include the screen name you’d like to go by should we show your submission on air or on the blog.

We’ll run this Creative Challenge until 4:00pm PST today. The winner receives an Official Desert Bus 2021 T-Shirt and Gold DBloon!

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