November 14, 2021, 6:02 am
Posted by: Matthews

Goooooood morning Dawn Guard! Zeta is toddling off to bed, but before we leave, we wanted to share some memories, thanks to the VST. Because honestly, without them, we wouldn’t remember Zeta either.

We begin with The USS Tucson continuing their assault on the brave ship Zeta

Thankfully after all that, Molly was there with an emotional remedy: Huell Howser

Then we took some self-care time, which shockingly enough, took a left turn.

The Kindness War between Alpha Flight and Zeta Shift takes no prisoners. But we wished they would take back their kid sausages.

You’ve heard of Un-Bussing Your House. Now Zeta makes suggestions to bus it right back up

To celebrate the map of the USS Tucson poster and playmat, Jen (MangledPixels), gives us a tour of the the amazing map she made!

We were challenged to talk about fruit. Oh, and I guess there was a point get, but really, the fruit is what’s important

As is TRADITION, Beej performs for the room

Now it’s time to play Desert Bus’s fastest growing quiz show… Who’s? That? ANIMORPHS?!?

And that is Zeta! But the bus is rolling on, and we will continue to act ridiculous on camera for the children! But for now, Zeta is going to get some rest.

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