November 14, 2021, 11:55 am
Posted by: Az
…STRAIGHT TO BED because we are SOOO tired!!


Ok ok I kid, but let’s talk about today! We had our second day of Coffee Pong, opened with our Sports Team Matt and Jordan. We then had our match, where we had a close going the whole time…

But hitting his second win for the year, Serge is now 2-0!
Can James make a comeback? Watch us again tomorrow morning to find out!

We also did our first Family Feud game, had some mimosas, talked to Dengler….

The boys got quizzed on Kingdom Hearts, except Jordan wasn’t allowed to join. He was left mostly unharmed.

And showed off the beauty of the Minecraft server!

And of course…….WE DANCED!






We will see you tomorrow! We look forward to continuing our game shows, our giveaways, and other wonderful nonsense!


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