November 14, 2021, 2:23 pm
Posted by: Tim

In addition to all the Official Desert Bus 2021 T-Shirt and other merch from the Desert Bus Store, we’ve got a few special promos from friends of the bus around the Desert Bus for Hope community. The creators of these promos have pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds to Child’s Play Charity!

Picture of Heroic Replicas bundle.Heroic Replicas, donors of the Buster Sword giveaway scheduled for Friday morning, have generously assembled a bundle of indie game-inspired creations, including Charon’s Obol, a Mermaid Pendant, and two Winged Strawberry decals. They have a discounted bundle where $25 of your purchase will go to Child’s Play and they’ll match with an additional $25. They’ve also got a further discounted bundle for those that have already donated (thank you!).

Photo of the Pride Pin Lot.Pin-Ace, donors of the Pride Pin Lot giveaway scheduled for Thursday’s Zeta shift, has set up a special promo code for their online store for viewers of Desert Bus. Use the promo code DESERTBUS and, not only will you save 10% on your order, 15% of your order will be donated to Child’s Play Charity!

Cover photo of The Garages vs. Desert Bus.Finally, returning tonight during Night Watch, The Garages have posted their merch for this year’s The Garages vs. Desert Bus concert! Head over to their Bandcamp page to pick up a t-shirt, poster, digital album, or cassette, where proceeds from each sale will be donated to Child’s Play Charity.

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