November 13, 2021, 7:45 am
Posted by: Az


This giveaway is quite a doozy….

James and Serge have set up a Minecraft server JUST FOR YOU!

Well, 15 of you. And only during Desert Bus. Buuuut!

Screenshot 2021-11-13 075048

A total of 15 winners will be selected (8 from the early morning giveaway, 7 from the late morning).

We have found a nice 30 chunk x 30 chunk area for them to call home. The borders are fixed, and the players can’t leave that area. Lots of biome diversity and plenty of resources to go around.

At the end of our shifts on Sunday through Wednesday we’ll have a quick check-in/server tour.

if at the end of every shift we raise a Desert Buck, James and Serge will join the server and the players will receive……. seeeeecrets.

So donate $15.15 before 8:30am PST to get a chance to win one of these spots!

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