November 13, 2021, 9:04 am
Posted by: Az

Would you like to have a fun adventure with your Desert Bus Brethren? Or just generally like some really amazingly painted minifigs? If so, donate $6.66 or multiples thereof by 9:45am PST!!

A 10×10 ruined temple base on which 4 figures battle a massive python. The 4 warriors battle heroically to keep the fight going just a little longer than last year for the best of all causes, Hope.

The figures are:
A Cleric of the Dawn Guard
A Squadron Leader of the Alpha Flight
A Nightwatcher Wizard (and his little frog friend)
A Rogue from the Zeta Shift Guild
Giant Python Omega

Each figure can be removed from the base if you want to include them in one of your tabletop adventures as friend or foe.

Each fighter is a Reaper metal mini and the snake “mini” is a Magic the Gathering Cosmos Serpent.

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