November 13, 2021, 12:53 pm
Posted by: Tim

Grr, grar, the creatures from the Alpha Flight Monster Manual humbly request your word-ly creations composed from the words of D&D, in this our first Creative Challenge of Alpha Flight at Desert Bus 2021!

Cover of a fake Alpha Flight D&D sourcebook.

We’re challenging the community to create their best Subtractive Poetry composed from words in the Bard class description of the D&D Basic Rules/Players Handbook. In case you haven’t created Subtractive Poetry before, you can only subtract words… no re-ordering or modifying! You’ll create a poem from the Bard class description from the remaining words. It’s up to you if you’d like to submit your creation as text only or if you’d like to share a photo of your creation instead.

Send your creations to [email protected] with the subject line Bard Poetry. You can submit your creation as an image (in JPG or PNG format) or as text (as the content of the email). Also, please be sure to include the screen name you’d like us to you in case your submission is shown on air.

We’ll be accepting submissions until 4:30pm PST. The winner of this challenge receives a Desert Bus for Hope T-Shirt and a 2021 DBloon! We’ll also post the winner and a few runner-up submissions on the blog.

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