November 9, 2021, 1:20 pm
Posted by: Tim

A collage of guests scheduled to call in to Desert Bus for Hope 2021.

We’ve got about three days to go to #DB2021! Today we’re announcing some of the guests that’ll be calling in to this year’s Desert Bus for Hope. We’ve got quite a few, so here we go…

First, longtime friend of the bus and community manager for Child’s Play Charity, Tabitha Sheehan, joins Night Watch on Saturday, November 13th, at 7:00pm PST.

Next, longtime friend of the bus and sponsor of DenglerVision, the DBloons, and International Currency Minute,  Steve Dengler, calls in to Dawn Guard on Sunday, November 14th, at 9:00am PST.

Sunday evening, The Garages are here to bring the house down two years in a row with another call-in concert. Tune in live to listen to some great tunes during Night Watch on Sunday, November 14th, at 8:00pm PST.

On Monday, we welcome new guest SungWon Cho (a.k.a ProZD) to Alpha Flight to talk board games, voice acting, and hang out with the bus. We’ll be chatting live with ProZD on Monday, November 15th, at 1:00pm PST.

Monday evening, we have two guests! Longtime friends of the bus Andrew Cownden and Madeleine Suddaby are calling in to hang out and sing a few tunes. They’ll be joining Night Watch on Monday, November 15th, at 7:00pm PST.

Tuesday morning, we welcome a capella folk band and new guests The Longest Johns to chat with us about their latest shanties from “Smoke and Oakum.” They’ll be on Dawn Guard on Tuesday, November 16th, at 9:00am PST.

We’re on to Wednesday where, once again, Mikey Neumann calls in to join Dawn Guard in morning shenanigans. Do we have a new coffee pong challenger on our hands, perhaps? Mikey joins the Dawn Guard crew on Wednesday, November 17th, at 10:00am PST

Wednesday afternoon, we’re holding an Emergency Meeting with new call-in guest Victoria Tran, community director for Among Us and the newly released Unpacking. We talk about the art of organizing stuff on Wednesday, November 17th, at 2:00pm PST.

And… that’s it! Or… is it? You’ll just have to stay tuned to the feed and the official #DB2021 schedule at to see if there are any further surprises in store between now and the start of the run: Friday, November 12th at 6:00pm PST! You can learn more about each of our guests by visiting our Guests page at

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