September 29, 2021, 1:04 pm
Posted by: Tim

James wearing a shirt labelled "Patience."

Can you believe Desert Bus 2021 is just a little more than 40 days away? We can’t! But nonetheless we’re getting everything ready for this, our FIFTEENTH Desert Bus for Hope marathon, giving the bus a tune-up, checking the tires, swapping the air freshener, all that good stuff. As a reminder, we’ve already announced the start date & will be looking forward to seeing you on Friday November 12th!

With #DB2021 fast approaching, we wanted to provide an update on this year’s event structure. As with last year, our first and foremost priority is the safety of all of our team members, and while the trend is  positive in British Columbia, things are still too risky to return fully to normal yet. For this year, we’ll be adopting a hybrid model with part of the event in-person with a limited Skeletor skeleton crew and part of the event going remote similar to last year. 

Two of our four daily shifts, with a very limited set of staff, will be broadcasting in person! The other two shifts will continue to broadcast fully remote in a format similar to last year. As part of this change, some of our entertainers you’ve known from years past will be moving to different shifts. We’re also asking our volunteers for all four shifts to participate remotely where possible in order to minimize risk. We know you’re excited to learn more and we’ll have more to share during the lead-up to the event.

We’ve gotten our vaccinations, but Desert Bus is still an event with a lot of international travel. We’re working hard to ensure that we’re putting on the best event possible while continuing to ensure the comfort and safety of our volunteers. We’re following the latest provincial health guidance available and will adjust our plans as needed.

We know things aren’t quite normal yet, but with this hybrid approach we’re excited to take a step towards resuming a full in-person Desert Bus for Hope. As always, we are endlessly grateful for your patience and understanding. If last year was any indication, whatever happens we’ll create something special as a community, together.

9 Comments on “Part Remote, Part Live, All Desert Bus for Hope!”

  1. Patience

    By Lord Hosk - September 29th, 2021 1:19 pm
  2. If ever you’re in need of more volounteers in some way. I’m more then willing to help however i may be needed. I’m sure you get tons of these comments though. Your community is the best!

    By Sebastien Blackwell - September 29th, 2021 1:20 pm
  3. Thank you for taking the pandemic seriously and setting a good example by continuing to be safe and conscientious when so many other people have stopped even pretending to try.

    By Aldreth - September 29th, 2021 1:33 pm
  4. I was expecting an all remote plan with greater in-person shenanigans than last year. This is very exciting and I knew whatever format the bus took this year the crew is outstanding at deciding how to push the limits of the bus without pushing the limits of anyone’s safety or security. Can’t wait to see what this year holds

    By Jennie Fuchsia - September 29th, 2021 2:17 pm
  5. I think this is an excellent middle ground, and the perfect solution for this halfway state some of us find ourselves in with the Ongoing Global Situation(tm). Looking forward to how it shakes out!

    By LloydWallace - September 29th, 2021 2:23 pm
  6. You folks have an amazing crew all around and I have complete faith that the DB volunteers, crafters and community will make this another fun, safe and incredible run. Looking forward to it as always! For the children, for everyone, bus on!

    By Rob Machen / Kikazi - September 29th, 2021 2:39 pm
  7. Always have to admire the ingenuity of the LRR team and the DB crew! Glad y’all are staying safe, and I can’t wait to join in on the fun! Stay safe, everyone!

    By James Henry Roberts - September 29th, 2021 6:03 pm
  8. Can you specify who’s moving to what shift? are the shift names stayin the same?

    By mike hetzler - October 11th, 2021 1:41 pm
  9. Ill keep trying every year to volunteer. one day friends, I believe !

    By Until May - November 10th, 2021 8:20 pm
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