November 17, 2020, 12:11 pm
Posted by: Az

Thank you so much to Flying Ultra Car for your winning submission to the challenge! 


And also to our second place winner, Leonhart321, for this amazing Kamen Rider-esque submission with one BUS of a backstory!KRDawn-Leonhart321


14 Years ago, Jack “Jocko” O’Brien was a bus driver of middling renown. He was never late for a shift, never deviated from a route and always kept to his timetables. His passengers always enjoyed taking his route, and he made sure everyone got where they needed to.

Until one day, he was abducted from his bus while on route to his first stop by the villainous Neo-Zeta group. Their aim? To combine the power of vehicles with humans to create an army of soldiers to conquer the world. His strict adherence to his route and timetables made him the perfect candidate for their Battle: Urban System (B.U.S) as someone able to navigate traffic with that level of efficiency using a bus would be unstoppable.

However, they underestimated just how dedicated to his Rota he was. Before he could have his mind reprogrammed to serve Zeta, he broke free of his restraints and ran to his trusty bus, redesigned as the urban armored personnel carrier, to escape and serve his passengers. Trapped in his solar powered armor and with the ability to remotely control his bus, that he rechristened Guardian in its new role as a protector of the public, he took the name Kamen Rider Dawn from some old Japanese show he remembered watching one time.

He fights to destroy the group that trapped him in his armor and to see if one day, he can free himself and feel the wind blowing on his face once more.

Zeta beware! For the Dawn’s Guard Rides!

And below we have all the wonderful submissions from our viewers! There were so many good ones it was so hard to choose! Props to everyone, and thank you for your creativity!!

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