November 15, 2020, 5:59 pm
Posted by: Tim

We’ve got a Live Auction coming up at 7:00pm PST tonight! Check out what you can bid on… a collection of Star Trek Prop Replicas.

A picture of the Star Trek Replicas lot.

—-Begin Transmission: Starfleet Headquarters—-
In recognition of the Desert Bus crews’ humanitarian efforts, in keeping with the best traditions of the federation, Starfleet has decided to award one lucky donator a Starfleet field commission. Your assignment is to lead your crew to donate as much as (responsibly) possible to benefit the lives of unfortunate children. To aid in the pursuit of this mission you will be provided with this standard issue equipment.

One Starfleet Combadge
One TR580 Tricorder
One Type 2 Phaser
One Type 3 Phaser Rifle
One Type 3A Compression Rifle
—-End Transmission—-

This set of 1:1 scale replicas accurately recreate the look of these props from the 80’s-90’s era of Star Trek and are perfect as part of a cosplay, or as display pieces. The Largest measures 91cm x 30cm x 7cm and is 3D Printed in a mix of PLA plastic and photopolymer resin (over 308 hours of printing time). Several items include functioning LEDs to imitate the look of these props on the show. It is shipped in a hardened rifle case decorated to look like a standard issue Starfleet cargo crate, so it should reach you safely and without falling into a spatial anomaly along the way!

Remember… to bid on Live Auctions, make sure you’ve linked your Twitch account to your Donor Account! Live Auctions are conducted in chat. Remember that the live stream is usually a few seconds behind chat, so be sure to follow chat for the latest updates during the auction.

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