November 14, 2020, 4:38 pm
Posted by: Tim

A photo of Jacob with a microphone and RPG books.Jacob has returned to us for Alpha Flight this year, and once again he is generously offering his time and talents in a Donation Drive!

You may know Jacob as a very kind and funny person, but did you know he is also an accomplished voiceover actor and role-playing game writer? Jacob has graciously agreed to donate his time and abilities to the winner of this lot. If you have a project that requires a voiceover Jacob will provide a 2-hour voiceover session for you! But what if YOU want to be the one doing voiceovers? Then Jacob will provide you with 2 hours of private coaching and information. “But Erika,” I hear you say, “didn’t you use this same prize description last year?” Don’t worry about it. The third option is that Jacob will run a custom one-shot RPG session of Dungeons & Dragons or Vampire: The Masquerade for you and your friends! You didn’t think I mentioned he was an RPG writer for nothing, did you?

Donate $15.55 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 5:30pm PST.

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