November 12, 2020, 3:00 pm
Posted by: Tim

1147 Miles: Seattle to Las Vegas. The Garages Live at Desert Bus for Hope. Sunday, November 15th at 2pm PST.

Do you enjoy music? Do you enjoy Blaseball? Then Andrew has you covered! As is tradition, Andrew is bringing a band to Desert Bus! The Seattle Garages, “an anarcho-syndicalist blaseball band from the fictional location of Seattle” will be performing a set on Sunday November 15th at 2pm PST. Following that there will be a Q&A with the band and a member of The Game Band team, creators of the hit eldritch splorts simulator Blaseball! Let’s hope no one gets shelled!

Album art. Live at Desert Bus for Hope.

Baseball cards of the Seattle Garages players.

Artwork by M. Lee Lunsford.

Album art. On to Season Four.

Artwork by M. Lee Lunsford.

You can check out the Seattle Garages at or on their Twitter

The Game Band can be found at or on Twitter

The logo for The Game Band.

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