November 10, 2020, 2:36 pm
Posted by: Tim

A gallery of the entertainers on Alpha Flight. The title for the Alpha Flight banner reads "Most likely to be stolen by a goose."

Welcome to our next installment of the Desert Bus for Hope 2020 Yearbook! Over the next few days, we’ll be introducing the entertainers that’ll be keeping the bus rolling down the road during this year’s event. We asked each entertainer to write a quick intro about themselves. And, because it’s a yearbook, we asked our volunteers to write “Most likely to” titles for each person.

Before we dive in though, a quick note about shift scheduling this year from your Comms Director:

Due to the complex technical nature of this year’s event, we’ve made the call to have Alpha Flight kick things off a bit early on Friday morning at 10am. This is both to avoid having to do a difficult changeover before we’ve had a chance to work out some of the kinks in our live broadcast setup and also to steal two hours from James. We’ll definitely be joined by our friends from other shifts to help kick off the event, but we’ll effectively be starting with Alpha Flight this year. This only applies to the event kickoff on the first day, our standard six-hour shifts will continue for the remainder of the run.

Today, we introduce the Entertainers on the Alpha Flight shift (Friday Nov 13th: 10am-6pm; All other days: Noon-6pm PST)…

A photo of Kathleen de Vere.Kathleen de Vere (She/Her)
Most likely to start a pirate radio show |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Five Fun Facts about me!
1. I love psychedelic rock music
2. I am always very truthful
3. Earned my novice bog witch certificate this summer
4. Not great at counting

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

I’ve seen them all, man. *stares into middle distance*

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Seeing my friends, I miss them.


A photo of Carrie Floyd.Carrie Floyd (She/Her)
Most likely to be cuddling a cat |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Carrie is one half of PlayFrame, a chill YouTube let’s play channel she runs with her husband, Daniel. She loves cats, coffee, and getting lost in stories of all kinds. Horrible at games, decent at editing, pretty great at sleeping all day.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

As an Entertainer: 2019. As a guest/friend: whichever one where we ran off cell signal for a bit because the internet went down.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Connecting with friends and the larger DB community to do something good for folks. 2020 has been a bit lonely, and it’s so exciting to help great people with a great cause!


A photo of Andrew Ferguson.Andrew Ferguson (He/Him)
Most likely to commit to the bit

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

I’m very tired.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?

Desert Bus 6!


Photo of Erika Cole.Erika Cole (She/Her)
Most likely to make any outfit look good

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

By day I am a mild-mannered public servant, by night I am the mild-mannered Shipping & Prizes Coordinator for Desert Bus for Hope.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

My first year as an entertainer! No, I don’t know why they let be an entertainer either.


A photo of Jacob Burgess.Jacob Burgess (He/Him)
Most likely to actually be a Vampire | |

Describe yourself, in about 50 words or less.

Jacob Burgess is an actor, writer, and part of Ysbryd Games, an indie Video Game publisher and proud prize sponsor of DB. Jacob Burgess does a lot. Jacob Burgess speaks in the third person when talking about himself. Jacob Burgess is a chocobo that walks as a man. Jacob Burgess likes you very much and is happy you’re here.

When did you start bussing with Desert Bus for Hope?


What are you most looking forward to this year?

Entertaining masses and slinging sasses! Also, raising money for an amazing cause. That too.

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