November 14, 2019, 9:09 am
Posted by: Az

Day 37: I found a package in one of the abandoned homes along the Coastal Highway. Looks like it was delivered just before the power went out. There was no food in it (I’m never that lucky) but there were some interesting things inside. There was a hoodie from Hinterland Games (size large). Probably won’t help much if another blizzard rolls in, but it is soft and warm and blessedly free of holes. There is an enamel mug, which will hold up well in my pack. It’ll be nice to have something to drink this Big Moose Kicks Coffee out of. The last thing was a poster for Crossroads Elegy that was signed by the team that made it. I could probably use it to start a fire but it seems a shame to burn something that was probably sentimental to the person who received it. Anyways, it’s time to move on. I heard there was a lighthouse on Desolation Point I should check out.

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