November 13, 2019, 6:21 am
Posted by: Matthews

Did you miss Zeta tonight? We missed you! But never fear, we have highlights to catch you up!

Night Watch refused to leave until they showed an admittedly interesting bit of footage from Matt’s dash cam.

The room figured out how to create a Bladerunner-style Beej-Kahmf test:

Engineering helped out with a reading from 17776

Cameron was the horrible Goose that lives in town:

Cameron read an SCP entry for Desert Bus For [REDACTED]

The Sheriff Of Good Ideas Enters:

And as a fond farewell to tonight’s Zeta shift, Cameron learns how difficult it really is to read Fox in Socks aloud:

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2019 happenings around the web…

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