November 13, 2019, 12:30 pm
Posted by: Tim


We’ve been doing this whole driving on the road thing for a while now, so we think it’s time to branch out to new exciting business opportunities. So, we’re branching out into another road-based business… food trucks! But… uhh… we don’t have any good culinary ideas. We’re five days into this and just pun-gry. So, we need your help!

We’re challenging the community to come up with their best interpretation of a Desert Bus-themed Food Truck. We’re looking for a menu featuring up to five delicious (?) items that we can sell. You may, optionally, also include an illustration of the Desert Bus food truck.

Send your submissions as a TXT file attachment to [email protected] with the subject line “Desert Bus Food Truck“. If you also submit an illustration, please attach as an JPG or PNG image. Please name both files, and include in your email, the name you’d like to go by should we showcase your submission on-air.

We’ll accept submissions until 5:00pm PST today. The winner gets a Desert Bus for Hope 2019 T-Shirt and DBloon!

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