November 12, 2019, 6:36 am
Posted by: Matthews

Welcome to Zeta! Sleep through it? Have to work? Desperately refreshing the tab to see if Disney+ is live yet? No worries, we have you covered!

We start off with a super serious edition of Keep Talking and Nobody Legos:

Beej and Cameron showed off their EDC (Every Day Carry), and the mystery of why Beej’s coat is so heavy finally got solved:

Cameron shared how to tie a bow-tie. Sort of.

Missing Talking Sim while Desert Bus is happening? Don’t worry, Cameron, Cori, and Max did a special Desert Bus edition, just for you.

Ben and Cameron Present: World of Warcraft Molten Core Raid Reenactment. It gets dramatic, y’all.


WE BROKE $450,000!! Thank you all so much!

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2019 happenings around the web…


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