November 10, 2019, 2:32 pm
Posted by: Tim
A photo of the Legend of Zelda lot.A photo of the Stardew Valley blanket.

If you’re looking for some geeky new decorations for your domicile, we’re more than halfway through the current set of silent auctions here on These items were generously crafted and donated by members of our community as part of this year’s Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along.

Right now, we’re running silent auctions for the following pixel-y crafts….

Remember, to place a bid for a Silent Auction, you’ll need a Donor Account. These accounts are also really useful for other things, like picking a display name to show up on-air when you donate, adding a shipping address, and (for US donors) getting a tax receipt for your donations to Child’s Play Charity.

Don’t delay… these Silent Auctions end at 4:00pm PST.

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