November 14, 2018, 12:11 am
Posted by: Tim

muKzNHh - Imgur

GIF posted in chat by Azninsect

A loooooot happened this evening! Most notably, we checked in with our favorite morning show, live from Nsburg… Qwerpline! Here’s more of what you’ve missed…


An annual tradition… Qwerpline Live!

Johnny and Liz kicked off their shift with a film noir presentation:

Kris Straub called in to say hello! (Sorry we woke you.)

And finally, we have an ongoing creative challenge from Johnny and Liz! They’d like you to create your own Desert Bus for Hope-themed movie poster. Check the blog for details.


Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2018 happenings around the web…

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