November 10, 2018, 10:05 am
Posted by: Ash

Driving: Saturday Nov.10th 10am – 10pm

Alex Steacy


Alex is a professional internet idiot and comic artist.

Alex on twitch!Alex on tumblrAlex’s comic
Alex on the twitter


Ash Vickers


Driving in from Nanaimo BC, Ash has been a part of the Desert Bus team for six years now (holy crumbs!) as an event manager and, more recently, communications lead. She wrote and drew the web comic MegaCynics for almost eight years and has been a full-time dog mom for nine years. Ash enjoys drawing, video games and long walks on the bea… oh wait, this isn’t an online dating profile… also she’s married. Ash is pretty cool, the end.

Ash on twitter!

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