November 16, 2016, 2:30 am
Posted by: Tim


Well, we ran into some technical difficulties earlier. We think we know what was going on, but… do we really know what was going on, or is it a cover up? (Dum dum DUUUMMMMMM)

Inspired by the giveaway prize for this task, Alex & Ian have challenged the community to come up with their best illustration of a Desert Bus Conspiracy Theory. To be clear, it can be any sort of conspiracy theory around Desert Bus and the Lunar Module you’d like, so let your imagination run wild!

Submit your entries to [email protected] with the subject line “Conspiracy Theory.” Please send your entries in .png or .jpg format and be sure to include the screen name you’d like us to use on air should your submission win. Up for grabs is this Conspiracy: Take the Crown M:tG Box! We’ll run this creative challenge until 9:30am PST.

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