November 15, 2016, 9:58 pm
Posted by: Jordan
Kara and Kate’s shift saw us firing off two art challenges. The first one was to make a Lineart Superhero, and we had a few amazing entries!

The real surprise came though when the SECOND art challenge was announced. For this one we wanted our younger artists to take a shot at colouring in these beautiful line arts!












Kris Straub called in fresh from Desert Kris 11. He took a break from his neverending Sandstorm in order to answer some questions from all you and give us some fresh dance moves.



















We also had a lovely in-person visit from founder of Penny Arcade AND Child’s Play Charity, Jerry Holkins. Despite worrying us thinking he had gone to the wrong “Canadian City starting with a V” he made it safe and sound and spent the afternoon with chat. We took the man to the store for the first time, and found out he had quite the singing voice!

Now this might look like an “ordinary” dance party…well ordinary for us at any rate. Graham asked us to go put on some silly costumes and prepare for a “high energy” dance party (as if we do anything else?!) However we were surprised when we finished and Graham got on the mic, and by proxy, officiated a proposal. Ken and Heather, we hope that our silly dancing made a great moment for you, there were several damp eyes behind the scenes here at Desert Bus!



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