November 15, 2016, 12:09 am
Posted by: Tim


Jamie and Ashton have thrown down their first creative challenge for their shift! They want to know what we, as a Desert Bus community team, aspire to or want to accomplish. Or, in short, our Squad Goals. In this art challenge, send us your best artistic interpretation of Desert Bus Squad Goals.

Send your submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “Squad Goals.” Please submit entries as a PNG or JPG and make sure to include the screen name you’d like us to use for your submission on air should your submission win. Up for grabs is this hand-crafted Desert Bus calligraphy with the eternal words “For the Children!” We’ll accept submissions until 4:00am PST.

One Comment on “Creative Challenge: Desert Bus Squad Goals”

  1. […] in Ashton & Jamie’s shift, we challenged the community to come up with their best interpretation of Desert Bus Squad Goals, based off of their opening […]

    By Desert Bus Donor :: Blog - November 24th, 2016 11:02 am
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