November 13, 2016, 5:59 am
Posted by: Tim


Dawn rises on our second day of DBX, and as we of the Zeta Shift head to sleep, here’s a quick update to catch you up on what’s been happening overnight….

Jer’s shift started and, because keeping the bus on the road isn’t enough of a challenge, he’s playing other games from the driver seat, as voted on by the community. Every hour for the rest of Jer’s shift, we’re running donation drives to pick the next game. Check the blog for the latest donation drive.

We’re also still running a creative challenge, where we’re looking for your sticker submissions to add to the Desert Bus iOS app, up until just before Jer’s shift ends. Check out the blog post for more info.

We auctioned a Desert Bus Cat Cube, for $1250!

We made shadow puppets. Or tried, at least.


Team Desert Bus sings about pineapples and pens.

The Adventures of Tintin… the abridged version.

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DesertBusX happenings around the web…

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