November 13, 2016, 5:43 pm
Posted by: Kara

0095_001_DBAlphabet2A is for Apple…

No… that doesn’t seem right…

This remarkable picture book takes readers through the alphabet Desert-Bus style, from Axle to Donate and Tree and Unstoppable and more! Enjoy an original ABCs rhyme accompanied by 28 beautifully illustrated pages by extraordinary artists from the Desert Bus community. You will never see another alphabet book quite like this one! It is available for purchase in this softcover form only during Desert Bus 10, so get yours now before the bus stops and the book is unavailable forever!

Text by Tally Heilke
Art by: Ken Steacy, Maki Naro, Susanne Iles, Monan Arts, Ash Vickers, Eric Tortora Pato, Eric Johnson, Alex Steacy, Helen Cowart, Featherweight, Kathryn Lancashire, Rayna Sassano, Tally Heilke, Rose Nightshade, Kimberly Swanner, Nick Trujillo, Schala Kitty, Leelee Scaldaferri, Tina Bongorno, Joe Vick, Susanne Iles, Tara Heilke, Merav Ulyansky, E. E. Nix, Simonbeed, Jo Tyler, Michael Lunsford

This book is available for pre-order from the LoadingReadyRun store.


2 Comments on “A Desert Bus Alphabet Book”

  1. Its great information what you have shared. I used to follow the Desert bus alphabet book…

    By ANITA SARKAR - August 2nd, 2017 3:09 am
  2. Great information thanks for sharing

    By Remitz - January 28th, 2019 4:29 am
  3. Leave a Reply