November 18, 2015, 2:00 am
Posted by: Kelly

Cameron “Unarmed Oracle” Lauder

Cameron Lauder

Driving since: 2013
Points: 3
Crashes: 0

Patronus:A space probe launched hopefully into the void, now the source of occasional novelty.

Theme Song: Colouring of Pigeons by The Knife

First Crush: Dana Scully

Why “Unarmed Oracle”?
Despite appearances, this is not a simple anagram of Cameron’s first and last names — if it was he would have chosen the infinitely dirtier sounding “Caramel Undoer”. Instead, “Unarmed Oracle” is a title bestowed unto people who combine dubiously plausible and unverifiable visions of the future with a complete lack of motivation and interest to do anything about them.

I consider myself to be an ideas* person**.

*ideas may be exclusively bad.

**person may also be exclusively bad.

How he feels about driving for Desert Bus 9:

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
When not driving the Desert Bus, Cameron slouches from bed to bed, searching for a decent cappuccino and wireless internet. He occasionally pretends to read books & papers, write code, criticism & poetry, draw, and care about his appearance.

It is a little known fact that Cameron is actually a terrified rat king piled into the loose shape of a sack of potatoes and dressed in a wool sweater.

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