November 17, 2015, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Harrison KrixHarrison Krix will be visiting us at the Lunar Module on the evenings of Tuesday, November 17th & Wednesday, November 18th.

Harrison Krix, the man behind Volpin Props, is a mainly self-taught designer and maker of props and replicas. He works out of his studio in Atlanta creating stunning one-of-a-kind weapons, helmets and other props, many of them replicas of items from video games and films.

Have a question for Harrison? Leave it in the comments below!

4 Comments on “Visitor: Harrison Krix”

  1. Harrison, hi! I’ve watched a lot of your builds and always been amazed by the amount of work that goes into your props and other builds. How do you deal with/ have you ever dealt with having a project started and just not been able to get your hands to give you what is inside your head?

    Asking because I’m staring at a bunch of clay on my lifecast and cursing my fingers not being made of brain matter and imagination.

    By Steve Furois - November 17th, 2015 4:05 pm
  2. What’s the coolest prop you haven’t made yet?

    By Blees - November 17th, 2015 5:33 pm
  3. How would you build a drawable prop bow like the ones they used in LotR and Narnia? Have you ever done robotics on a project? How would you do something like remote-controlled wings?

    By Elizabeth - November 17th, 2015 6:00 pm
  4. How would you recommend someone get started on more advanced prop-making in a non-professional capacity for things like cosplay. For instance what technologies/techniques would be the best to start with. What are some good ways to develop your skills and improve our quality.

    By Derek - November 17th, 2015 6:24 pm
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