November 16, 2015, 9:01 am
Posted by: Mike

$6.12 x N for the Hero Vault Wenge until 9:06am Pacific

$9.18 x M for a DB9 T-Shirt until 9:15am Pacific

We’re running TWO simultaneous Donation Drives!

Get in now!! They’re closing soon!! Remember to donate multiples of $6.12 to be entered to win the Hero Vault, or multiples of $9.18 to be entered to win a DB9 T-Shirt!

One Comment on “DDOUBLE DDonation DDrive!”

  1. Hey, a suggestion, could you guys post these blog updates a little earlier? I’m at work so I’m not watching the stream just checking the blog and stuff every hour or so and I might have enters this if it was posted more than three minutes before the givaway ended.

    Any way keep up the good work!

    By Pigmywurm - November 16th, 2015 9:26 am
  2. Leave a Reply