November 14, 2015, 6:29 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Our new leader, War-Boy Ian, has decreed that his first giveaway of his shift will be an all shift long art challenge. In true Mad Max fashion Ian is looking for your interpretation of what a Warbus for Hope would look like. Ss-mad-max-fury-road-097

Any medium, any style, whatever you think the War-Boys of DBFH would ride into the fundraising battle. You have plenty of time to fetch your chrome and create our ride. This challenge will run until 1:00 AM PST (One hour before the end of Ian’s shift). What is the prize you may ask? Well it’s our second Fangamer Desert Bus 9 T-Shirt lot!0148_01_DB9Tshirt


Get cracking War-Folks of the internet! Please send all entries to [email protected] with the subject line containing Warbus. Please include in the e-mail (or the filename preferably) with the public name you’d like to be called if you are selected as a winner.

2 Comments on “WITNESS BUS”

  1. Will you post all the entries to the blog? I’d love to see more of them.

    By PunkRockZoologist - November 15th, 2015 2:22 am
  2. @PunkRockZoologist: Check out for the full set of submissions.

    By Tim - November 15th, 2015 2:28 am
  3. Leave a Reply