November 14, 2015, 10:10 am
Posted by: Kara

James “Zymo” Turner

Driving since: 2007james_lg
Points: 25(!)
Crashes: 9

Patronus: Pangolin

Theme Song: Lucifer’s Rocking Chair by the Cancer Bats

First Crush: Margaret Thatcher

Why “Zymo”?

It was the very first day we got internet at my house back in the old days. You know, the late 90’s. It was clear my first course of action was to head directly to a chat room, but first I needed a name. I reached for the closest book at the desk and it turned out to be a dictionary. I turned to the very last page and there it was. Zymology, which in case you’re wondering is an applied science which studies the biochemical process of fermentation and its practical uses.

So I ditched the “logy” and thus Zymo was born.

How he feels about driving for Desert Bus 9:


When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
  • I can still be found tossing trombones, but I decided to do away with the website. It seemed rather showy.
  • Other than that I make videos with LoadingReadyRun.
  • Install window coverings for my dad from time to time.
  • Play the occasional video game / Magic: The Gathering.
  • And spend time with my wife and my tiny jerk of a dog Jade.

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