November 14, 2015, 11:16 am
Posted by: Mike

$9.99 DONATION DRIVE until 12pm

Cartophiles, heads up! We’ve just kicked off our first Donation Drive of DB9, and the prize on the line is a magnificent Desert Bus leather playmat!

What’s a Donation Drive? Good question! Donation Drives are a special way to make your donations count double! Until 12pm noon Pacific Time, each time you donate $9.99, or any multiple thereof, you are automatically entered to win the Donation Drive prize! So if you donate exactly $9.99, you get one entry in the draw; if you donate $19.98, which is $9.99 x 2, you get two entries in the draw; if you donate $99.90 ($9.99 x 10) you get TEN entries; and so on! No limit on those entries!

If you like card games and Desert Bus for Hope, then you’ll love this playmat! Its play surface is designed with the theme of a map depicting a route between Tucson, AZ and Las Vegas, NV, using an old world style combined with some modern features.

The map shows you approximately where the bug splat happens, where each bus stop is located on the first 8 hours of your trip, possible detours, and some other points of interest found in google maps while zoomed in. It also depicts things inspired by Middle-Earth styled maps, such as a suspicious looking viking ship and some sea life. This trendy playmat is handcrafted and one of a kind!

More info on the item here!

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