November 20, 2014, 4:22 am
Posted by: Mia

There was fierce competition, but we’ve selected a winner of the Pet Selfie contest:  Synchroma! Congratulations!



The rest of the entries are under the cut!

3 Comments on “Pet Selfie Results!”

  1. […] Graham declared a hilarious pet selfie contest, the entrants of which can be found HERE. The winner was […]

    By Desert Bus Donor :: Blog - November 20th, 2014 7:08 am
  2. The one I sent isn’t one here? ;A;

    By Dindril - November 20th, 2014 3:36 pm
  3. Oh, I was just informed hotmail delayed my message being sent.
    God dammit

    By Dindril - November 20th, 2014 4:22 pm
  4. Leave a Reply