November 19, 2014, 11:00 pm
Posted by: Mike



Riddle #1: How far is Victoria, BC, from Reading, UK? Answer: 7,644 km, or 10 million Leonard tentacles placed end-to-end.

Riddle #2: How do you make Kathleen mark out like a 13-year-old at a One Direction concert? Answer: Put her on CBC radio! And what do you know, that’s just what we’re doing!

Tomorrow morning, at 9:00am Victoria time, Desert Bus will be taking a call from CBC Radio’s As It Happens! For those who don’t know, As It Happens is nothing less than an institution in Canadian radio. For nigh-on half a century, As It Happens has brought the weird and wonderful news of the world to listeners’ living rooms through their one-of-a-kind interviews and uniquely Canadian sense of humour. The tandem of Carol Off and Jeff Douglas have hosted the program since 2011.

UPDATE: The story is live! Read it here! (




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