November 19, 2014, 6:58 am
Posted by: Mia

This Zeta shift was FULL of stuff going on! We kicked off the night with the auction of Andrew’s Desert Bus 7 photo book for a mind-bending $3250.

Alex and Matt mastered the high five:


The stream went down temporarily, but we fixed it like so:

We had a Cards Against Equestria giveaway that made us all laugh heartily. Kate and Kathleen gave us horrible advice and we broke Graham.



We had a whole conversation about comics, and a fabulous Magic: the Gathering giveaway that made us all jealous. Alex and Graham’s QWERPLINE gave us this thing:



We exorcised the seizure chicken, and Andrew by extension:



And we generally broke Johnny.


2 Comments on “Like Sand Through the Hourglass…”

  1. I… I missed all this? For sleep. I’m honestly super sad. I was so excited to see Qwop/Derpline live… :(

    By Kapol - November 19th, 2014 7:28 am
  2. Skeletor singing Holding Out for a Hero was priceless!

    By Maddie - November 19th, 2014 8:07 am
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